Arden Gray – Election Post

I believe that the Joe Biden will win in the 2024 election. Although Biden has received an immense amount of backlash during his presidency, I think Americans will realize that they have no better option and he will get a lot of default votes. I do not believe that Donald Trump will be elected because many people will see that it is a bad look for the United States; re-electing a man like Trump into our highest government position is something that the rest of the world will probably ridicule us about. Additionally, I do not think the alternative republican option is feasible either. Although the United States claims to be progressive and equal, I do not think many people would be willing to vote for a woman for president; we saw the same thing happen with Hillary Clinton, a much more qualified candidate. Finally, as always, the other parties such as the Independent party will not be able to get enough attention to garner the necessary amount of votes to win the election. Although disappointing, I suspect Biden will win.