Trump Reelected in a Blowout?

With multiple ongoing scandals and approval ratings hovering around forty percent, one may be inclined to believe Donald Trump will be out of office in 2021. Despite these issues, Trump may actually be set for a blowout win when he runs for reelection in 2020, and here are three reasons why:

First off,  in order for the Democrats to take down Trump in the next election, they need someone who is actually capable of taking him down. Even though we are still about two and a half years away from election night 2020, the only name that seems to be consistently popping up in headlines for Democrats has been Hillary Clinton. While some may argue that she will be better ready for a rematch with her 2016 rival, this is a candidate who is still plagued with scandal herself. Not only this, but her track record in presidential elections is far from good. She was upset in the 2008 primaries by Barack Obama, upset in the 2016 general election by Donald Trump, and was almost upset in the 2016 primaries by massive underdog, Bernie Sanders. In addition to all of this, the Democrats have not proven that they are running on any great message besides anti-Trump. Whether you like his message or not, Trump is at least running for a purpose of trying to ‘make American great again’. Obama’s message of hope may be something to look back on as it proved to be greatly successful. If the Democrats do not figure out how to learn from their mistakes of the past, it may come back to haunt them once again.

The second reason Trump is set for reelection is that he never ended his last campaign. Since his time of reaching the oval office, Trump has not stopped holding rallies in crucial battleground states like Iowa and Pennsylvania. Politicians are typically criticized by voters for only caring about them during election season, but Trump has been doing someone to maintain the emotional support of important, base voters. This may seem trivial, but when a state comes down to a few thousand or even a few hundred votes, this could be something that puts Trump over the edge in more than one battleground state.

Lastly, what may ultimately help Trump the most in the 2020 election is how strange the race could become. With celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Mark Cuban, and Kayne West all hinting at possible runs in 2020, this race could be one of the weirdest ever. While all three of these celebrities (and any most likely any more that become interested in running) all would presumably be on the left in their policies, none of them are established politicians, and therefore, have no obligations to stay loyal to the Democratic Party. Couple this with the fact that voters are getting increasingly frustrated with the two major political parties and a serious third party candidate could prove a major shakeup in the next election. Assuming this third party candidate would be more on the left, and therefore, be more likely to steal votes from the democratic candidate, the Democrats could be facing the same problem that the GOP had in the 1990s with Ross Perot. Bill Clinton was about to win both of his presidential races by more than 200 electoral votes, yet he never reached fifty percent of the popular vote. This is because Perot was able to steal crucial votes in states from the GOP. If 2020 holds another third party candidate like this, Trump could, just like Bill Clinton did, not only win, but win big.


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