Do Athletes have too much Political Power?

Since the beginnings of democracy in the United States, American citizens have not been afraid to voice various different political beliefs and values. Republicans, Democrats, and Independents may not all share the same political beliefs, but they have all gone through the process of political socialization. Since the first democratic elections family, school, and major events have been agents of socialization for most Americans. In today’s modern America a new and controversial agent of socialization has emerged, the athlete.

In the past athletes like Muhammad Ali and Bill Russell have taken stands against major issues of war and race. These acts, however, were either dismissed by the American public or not reported on by major news outlets. Post-Vietnam War, athletes had gone quiet on social issues in the following decades, wanting to keep their endorsements and stay out of the political spotlight. The recent popularity of the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, and, however, has changed the modern athlete’s desire to share their beliefs. With the power of social media connecting the whole world, athletes have begun to express their opinions on social and political issues to their millions of followers. One of today’s most outspoken celebrities, Lebron James accumulated over forty million followers on Twitter alone. The power and popularity that social media has given athletes in the political socialization of American youths, sparked controversy among the American public.

A lot of Americans have taken issue with the potential political power superstar athletes hold. Many feel that athletes don’t know what they are talking about and are too influential among millennials. Fox News host, Laura Ingraham, aired her dismay at the politically active athlete by telling basketball stars Lebron James and Kevin Durant to “shut up and dribble”. She then continued to question James’s education, alluding that he had not finished high school (he did) and should not have a public voice in politics. Ingraham’s comments have raised a storm of controversy and leave us to ponder our own opinions.

I believe the answer is very simple. Everybody should be able to exercise their right of free speech no matter the platform or followers. The popularity athletes are able to garner from social media outlets, provide a great platform for a variety of political thought and ideas. Athletes should be encouraged to be active in political and social issues because they are so popular. There is the question of if these athletes are educated enough to be trusted to post of these issues, which I ridiculous. Yes, many of these athletes aren’t the smartest academically and didn’t graduate college, but that doesn’t mean they should be censored. It’s the individual reader’s responsibility to be aware of the source and truth behind information they read on social media sites.

The advancements in technology and the popularity of various social media platforms has created a modern more connected world. Thus, in doing so athletes have taken a role in the political socialization of today’s youth. I’ve stated my view on the issue and would love to hear others. So what do you think?



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