Has our government learned from its past?

Civil rights has always been a hot topic in the United States in the past hundred years. There is a constant discussion if a person based on their specific characteristics, race, and/or religion should have certain rights. The constitution nor bill of rights has a statement of equality in them. Government continues to try and assert their dominance over the american people when they do not coincide with their past ideals. Over the past 100 years, our government has granted civil rights to women, African Americans, and LGBTQ citizens. The most recent was LGBTQ which just occurred in the past few years after many years of battle. In the debate today civil rights for people in the Muslim religion and people of Hispanic descent are in the hot seat. There is a divide in America whether or not these people should have full rights as the other citizens. Current discussion are building walls to stop Hispanics and banning Muslims from other countries from being able to travel to the USA. The government shouldn’t be the one who separates the people based on laws they create but we have seen in the past that it is their rule that creates this divide. It is shown in Plessy vs Ferguson which was one of the first supreme court hearing form African American rights. Today, we see it in cases such as Trump debating the ban on Muslims to travel and migrate to the United States and the crack down on illegal Hispanic immigrants. There is a divide in Americans from the government considering these ideas. According to a poll by Politico, 57% of Americans are in support of Trump’s Travel ban. This is evidence that the government has not learned from its past of discriminating a group of people based on their religion and this spills over to the American people. Part of the reason people originally migrated to America was for religious freedom, but now the government wants to ban certain people from traveling to America based on their religion.

The debate that our government hasn’t learned from its past continues into the laws pending to discriminate against the Hispanic race. According to PEW research, Americans state that Hispanics are one of the most discriminated groups of people in America today only behind African Americans. The current trend today is that all illegal immigrants are Mexicans. Its creates a predisposition in Americans that just because someone is of his panic descent they must be illegal. With this said, there are pending laws that are set to create a bigger barrier to Hispanics being treated equally. Illegal Immigration is a topic discussed through court cases, Trump’s plan to build the wall, and the increased numbers and presence of the ICE unit. This created a mass public opinion of the american people that all Hispanic people are assumed to be illegal. However, according to PEW, people from Mexico may not be the single largest group of illegal immigrants. America went through the discrimination of immigrants with the Irish and German immigrants in the 19th century, yet we are still trying to create laws to make them seem separate from other Americans and create predispositions that because they come from Hispanic descent they must be part of this group that is deemed “bad” by government. Most Americans are not in favor of building the wall, yet government is still moving forward with the construction.

America has struggled with the constant discrimination against a group of people because they are not like the “true american”. Government has continued to create this separation by passing laws and bans that single out specific groups and individuals based on religion, characteristics, and beliefs. Today, millennials are concerned with civil rights and creating more equality. This is seen in their political motives and outspoken posts. The government has not learned from its actions in the past and continue to make the separation of groups in america. Laws like affirmative action have essentially gone against what it is supposed to do because it still singles out a specific group based on their religion or race. By passing a law to not be more discriminatory, you are still being discriminatory. One realization the government should see is that they are creating laws that create more separation and discrimination and contradict their actual intents. They need to learn from their past when moving forward in the future.




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