
1. Lives and Voices (Historical Figure’s Profile + 8 Entries)

Students will write personal entries in BlackBoard, taking on the voice of an historical figure of their design. These entries give eye-witness accounts of the Revolution, reacting to events of the day. Students will develop a social and political profile of their own historical figure who is fictional, but based on historical facts. The L&V profile is due Monday, Jan 20 by 1 pm. Starting the second week of the term, students will write entries, either as a diary or journal, or as personal letters or reports from the point of view of the historical figure. Each entry must reference the reading that is assigned for the particular date on the syllabus.

Below are the due dates for the entries on BlackBoard. You must complete FOUR entries on the class readings assigned on 1/23, 1/28, 2/6, and 4/7. These L&Vs are “required entries.” You also must write another FOUR on other dates that are “optional” (see below). Of course, you may do as many optional entries as you like in addition to the four required entries. I will only count the top four grades from the optional entries for L&V.

All L&V entries (except for the profile) are due by 5 pm Friday of the week assigned, and will receive a weekly grade. All entries will be assessed according to a single rubric. Weekly entries will not be accepted after Friday’s deadline. Required entries cannot be substituted for other dates. If late, required entries will earn a “0” toward the final eight – no exceptions.

**Please be sure to post your diary/journal entry under the CORRECT WEEK on the BlackBoard site. When there are two entries in one week, add a second entry to that week.**

Mon 1/20 – L&V Profile, required

Week 2
Th 1/23 – Required

Week 3
Tu 1/28 – Required

Week 4
Tu 2/6 – Required

Week 5
Tu 2/11 – Optional

Week 6
Th 2/20 – Optional

Week 7
NO L&V this week, Midterm Exam

Week 8
Th 3/5 – Optional


Week 11
Th 3/26 – Optional

Week 13
Tu 4/7 – Required

Week 15
Th 4/21 – Optional

2. StoryMap (5 Entries + Reflection)

Below are the due dates for the drafts and accepted entries for the StoryMaps You will submit three entries pre- August 1792, (Phase 1) a two entries post- August 1792 (Second Phase). Entries must be accepted as “ready to publish” to receive credit.

Thursday, Feb 6 – Proposed StoryMap Dates & Locations for First Phase
Tuesday Feb 11 – Three Entries for Digital TimeLine (pre-August 1792) due today
Thursday, Feb 20 – Phase 1 Entries (revised and resubmitted) must be accepted by today

Thursday,  Mar 26-Proposed StoryMap Dates & Locations for Second Phase
Thursday, Apr 2 -Two Entries for Digital TimeLine (post-August 1792) due today
Thursday, Apr 16 -Phase 2 Entries (revised and resubmitted) must be accepted by today

Thursday, April 23 – StoryMap Upload and Presentations. Reflection due in class