About Me

Elisabeth R. Gruner
Professor of English

Director of First-Year Seminar and Writing Across the Curriculum
University of Richmond

I teach Children’s Literature, Victorian literature, and  Creative Nonfiction writing. You can find more information about my research and my courses by clicking the tabs above.

My book, Constructing the Adolescent Reader in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction, came out in July 2019 from Palgrave Macmillan.

My most-read piece of writing is about ungrading: I No Longer Grade My Students’ Work–And I Wish I Had Stopped Sooner.

Until May of 2013 I blogged regularly for Inside Higher Ed’s Mama, PhD group blog.  My posts, with the title “Mothering at Mid-Career,” usually went up on Tuesdays.

Until June of 2009 I  wrote a bimonthly column, Children’s Lit Book Group, at LiteraryMama.  The column focused on reading children’s books (and consuming children’s media, such as film) as a parent. Column archives are linked from the main page.