Interpretive Essays

Black Hawk: A Study of Native Americans in Virginia and their Role in American Cultural Studies by Kasey McGhee, ’17

Abolition as an Interracial Fight in Richmond, Virginia by Sharon Lim, ’16

Jenny Lind: An Angelic Icon Consumed by the American Public by Katie Neatrour, ’16

A President in the Pew in Richmond: The Forces behind the Culmination of a National Identity by Kenneth Anderson, ’17

The Making of White Southern Republicans by Ciana Young, ’17

Flight, Fashion, and Feminism: Amelia Earhart Ventures into Clothing Design by Caroline Weber, ’16

Bruce, Rock & Roll, and Richmond: Times of Transition by Brendan O’ Connor, ’16

Black Power, Kwame Ture, and College Activism in the 1960s and 1970s by Karolina Castro, ’16

Sidney Poitier’s Buck and the Preacher by Dominique Brown ’17

Gorbachev: Giving and Gaining Legitimacy in Richmond, Virginia by Caitlin McCallister, ’16

Mr. Day-Lewis! Over Here…Over Here! Analyzing the Breakdown of Social and Traditional Media by Victoria Charles, ’16

“5 Minutes in Richmond, VA:” The 2015 UCI Races and Exclusionary Representations of RVA by Damian Hondares, ’17