BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN Various Dates, 1969-1974 Before he became a global superstar, Springsteen was a young musician struggling to earn recognition. In 1968, Bruce and his band Child travelled to Richmond and played some free shows in Monroe Park. He spent most of his time with friends, drinking, smoking, playing music, and crashing at their houses. Bruce grew fond of the city, and even contemplated moving … Continue reading BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN


GERTRUDE STEIN February 5-8, 1935 Avant-garde poet and novelist, Gertrude Stein, made multiple visits to Richmond in the the 1930s and 1940s. Known for her experimentation with narrative literary conventions, Stein hosted acclaimed artists like Pablo Picasso and Ernest Hemingway at her Paris salon. The expatriate returned to the United States for a six-month lecture tour in 1934. Stein and her partner Alice B. Toklas … Continue reading GERTRUDE STEIN


JEFFERSON DAVIS 1861-1865 People cheered and guns were fired on the 26th of May, 1861 as Jefferson Davis, the new President of the Confederate States of America, entered the new capital of the Confederacy by train. The Mississippian arrived after a long journey that included stops in Montgomery, Alabama, and Petersburg, Virginia. His arrival stirred the emotions of passionate secessionists and proud Richmonders. Observers recalled … Continue reading JEFFERSON DAVIS


DANIEL DAY-LEWIS November 30, 2011 Academy award-winning actor Daniel Day-Lewis is almost unrecognizable in this shot snapped back in 2011 by an enthusiastic fan at the now-closed Arcadia Restaurant. Dressed as the title character of Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln, Day-Lewis reportedly ordered the filet mignon and complimented the restaurant’s dining room. For nearly two months he resided in Richmond’s historic Church Hill neighborhood with his family … Continue reading DANIEL DAY-LEWIS