Author: ProfSi

Beyond the Hashtag

Below you will find an article that analyzes the Black Lives Matter Movement. The authors seek to understand how a movement conducted via social media and other online technologies works. Read the article and answer the following questions:

  1.  How did the hashtag “Black Lives Matter” evolve? How does the movement transition from an online presence to action “on the ground”?
  2. What is the upside to a movement evolving in this way? What is the downside?
  3. What is the future of such a movement?

Feel free to add any other comments you wish.

Beyond the Hashtags

Socioeconomic Class and Social Movements

We are reading an account of the trajectory of social movements that advocate for the poor and working classes. They point out a fatal flaw in all such movements: they are doomed to be absorbed by the existing systems. Is that what happened to the “Occupy” movement? What was this movement about? Why did it fail? (Or, did it fail?)

Explain the politics of college life. What do UR students care about compared with VCU students or UVa students? What do UR students DO about the issues they confront? What about VCU and UVa?

Why People Don’t Organize

In reading Gaventa’s work on how power works, what other groups can you think of in the United States that do not challenge obvious and egregious inequalities?

“Freedom on My Mind”

In the documentary “Freedom on My Mind”, what surprised, shocked, or inspired you the most? What did you learn that you did not know?

Welcome to Grassroots Politics and Social Movements

Dear Students:

Welcome to one of four senior seminars offered by the Department of Political Science this academic year. We will be exploring an alternative path to political participation and social justice: grassroots politics and social movements. As part of your senior seminar experience, you will write a major paper covering some aspect of this topic. This is a learning community, and we all have our parts to play in making our community a dynamic and equitable space to explore these phenomena. We should arrive to class having read the assignments and prepared for discussion. This course is designed to encourage thoughtful consideration of political institutions, processes, and the limits of our representative democracy.



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