French Film Festival – Human

At the weekend of the French Film Festival, a three hour film titled Human had its North American premier. This film provided an insight into the lives of others. While there was no true way to prove their truth, the movie was touching nonetheless.

The movie was a constant stream of interviews, occasionally interrupted by a quick view of a cultural event or beautiful site. Each person interviewed had their own history and their own story to tell. Placed directly in front of the camera, the viewer had the illusion of staring directly into the eyes of the speaker. Many spoke different languages and as a result, every single person, even those that spoke English, had subtitles. However, instead of detracting from the words spoken, the subtitles were right next to the speaker’s eyes, continuing the illusion that “the eyes are the window to the soul”.

The film started with a man who told his story using sign language, and the second told the story of how he never truly understood love, until he was forgiven by the mother and grandmother of the woman and her son that he had murdered. The interviews that followed were arranged into categories of love, hate, war, and many others.

Each person had their own beliefs and sometimes those were different from the fellow countrymen. This film introduced many experiences from all around the world and truly showed how differently people could live simply based on their own stories and how they chose to style themselves above their shoulders.

In a touching manner people explained their lives in a matter of moments, without any interruption from a background or an interviewer’s voice. While it is impossible to truly know every culture out in the world, this film helped to expand my views by teaching me how other people viewed both current and historical issues using what life had taught them.


Link to Human trailer :

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