The Differences in Privilege and Experience

After our riveting, slightly disillusioning conversation in class on Thursday, I thought that I should clarify the meaning of the word privilege and how it impacts various people’s lived experiences.

This is a relatively short clip, should you have four minutes to spare. It is entitled, “The Unequal Opportunity Race.” The end goal of this video was to support affirmative action but they somehow left out the fact that affirmative action helps more white women, than any other gender/race. Legacy (going to the school where your parents/immediate family attended) is also a part of affirmative action.


Now that you have seen it, I should define three terms that we see often but do not seem to grasp fully.

1- Privilege: a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people.

2- Equality: the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. Also defined as treating everyone the same.

3- Equity- the way to reach fairness. Also defined as giving everyone what they need to be successful.

Privilege, all of us have it, in one form or another, but many of us have way more privilege than others and use it in a way that wields power over (oppresses) others. No one wants to take power from those who have the most (in America that is heterosexual, Anglo-saxon, white men.) The goal is to simply increase power, opportunity, and aid to people with little resources, connection, and support in general.

Everyone seems to love the idea of equality, and while I love it too, it does not necessarily alleviate social justice problems. Equality says that if person 1 is thirsty and person 2 has plenty of water, a glass of water should be given to both people. Equity says that if person 1 is thirsty and person 2 has plenty of water, a glass of water should be given to person 1 before person 2 is aided. Do not confuse this with socialist principles or anything of that nature, the idea is that the person who is in need should receive aid.

The purpose of education is to mold pupils into people who can effect change around the world but how is that possible if people do not first understand themselves?

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