Author Archives: Tyler D.

U.S. Poverty and Average Household Income  

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Map Final Product

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Tyler’s Project Draft

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Project 1 Outline

For my paper map, I would like to use the City of Richmond poverty statistics to recreate the map titled “White Population and Richmond Poverty Rate, 2014.” After “living” in Richmond for over a year and a half now, I … Continue reading

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Alabama Counties and Cities 2011

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Motro Article

Until I had read this article, I had always thought of maps being used in history books and other literature to demarcate important events. The wide breadth of map use is fascinating to me as I continue to learn the … Continue reading

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Unemployment by State

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Heavy Drinking (%) by State

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Maps Introduction

I have always loved learning about new things and have tried to gain a widespread knowledge of a diverse set of topics. The saying that knowledge is power has always resonated with me and I believe that studying a wide … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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