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FYS-Wns, Page 4

Only the Top Scores Matter

by Lillie Mucha
“‘Underrepresentation’ or Misrepresentation,” an essay by Doreen Kimura, introduced a new opinion to me. With supporting evidence, she claims that the math and science fields have not been discriminating against women, but rathe…

What Lies Under the Socialization Umbrella

In her introduction paragraph of “‘Underrepresentation” or Misrepresentation?,” Doreen Kimura attempts to flip the script, and reflects upon how we freak out when there are 50% less women than men in any group, but don’t seem to bat an eyelas…

A Difference of Opinion

By: Shannon Laughlin
What if I told you that the lack of women’s representation in science and mathematics wasn’t a cause for concern? That the strange drop-off between girls’ interest in science between high school and college shouldn’t be a s…

Poor Presentation is a More Accurate Title

The essay “Underrepresentation or Misrepresentation” by Doreen Kimura has a large focus on inherent abilities amongst men and women. Kimura focuses on the other and lesser thought of side of the argument, the side that concerns the deliberate discr…

Battle of the Schemas

by: Nicole Murgia
taken from:
In her essay  “’Underrepresentation’ or Misrepresentation?” Doreen Kimura stated that “the evidence is strong that women’s lower representation in some fields of science is due to innate talent an…

Truly Underrepresented? Or just misrepresented?

Are men underrepresented? Are we not looking deep enough to see that the problems that affect women also affect men? Doreen Kimura raises these questions in her essay, “’Underrepresentation’ or Misrepresentation?”. When I started reading her pa…

Blog 2- Chelsea Eareckson

An Opposition
By: Chelsea Eareckson
Doreen Kimura tackles an opposing viewpoint in her essay “‘Underrepresentation’ or Misrepresentation” to the previous essay we read, “Women at the Top in Science –  and Elsewhere” by Virgini…