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Shannon Laughlin

Math Class is Tough

“Math Class is Tough”
By: Shannon Laughlin

The belief that women and men have different rational and emotional proficiencies is not a new idea. In fact, the history of science is peppered with claims that if the two sexes seem to differ i…

Predisposed does not mean Permanent

Predisposed does not mean Permanent
By: Shannon Laughlin
As a girl with two brothers, I spent most of my time growing up playing computer games, building with Legos, and making tracks for my Hot Wheels. At the time, I didn’t understand that these we…

Cocktail Tall Tale?

Cocktail Tall Tale?
By: Shannon Laughlin

One of the fondest memories from my childhood was playing a “card deck” format workbook of brain teasers, called “Brain Quest.” The questions would often ask you to answer a riddle or move an object in …

The Right Rebuttal

The Right Rebuttal
By: Shannon Laughlin
Before taking this class, I had heard of Larry Summers, former President of Harvard, but did not know much about him. After all, I was only in third grade when he triggered an uproar in the math and science comm…

“I think I can”

By: Shannon Laughlin
Growing up as a girl interested in math and science, I’ve been made very aware of the gender stereotypes and inequality common within our society. I’ve heard the sexist “make me a sandwich, woman” jokes, read the studies s…