Challenger or lackey? The politics of news on Al-Jazeera and Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk

Words to know

Hegemonic: The authority and influence that the ruling classes have over others in a political or social context

Counter-hegemonic: the attempt to dismantle hegemonic power

Contra-Flow: When a developing country’s news organization is attempting to establish a foothold in the worlds core media market


Challenger or lackey?

This chapter starts by mentioning how Al-Jazeera, a news network in Qatar, quickly became known after 9/11.They had unique access to footage of the US’s bombings in Afghanistan. Al-Jazeera is said to fit the theory of contra-flow as it applies to a reversal of the old imperialist imbalances in Qatar. It is the “textbook example of the empire ‘striking back’.” Contra-flow also refers to a change in power relations. This means that Al-Jazeera also acts as counter-hegemonic. Sakr gives the example of US media during the invasion of Iraq. 97% of the newscasts were pro-war, while 27% of the polled American population was anti-war. Counter-hegemonic contra-flow outlets like Al-Jazeera reject this unfair practice of opinion. They are credited with offering both the dominant and alternative news agendas.

Thesis One: challenging ‘the West’

This thesis focuses on Al-Jazeera’s ambition to compete with networks such as CNN, by following a news agenda, not found in big media in the US and UK. Al-Jazeera’s agenda stresses accuracy, transparency, the avoidance of propaganda, and more. Their motto is to give ‘the opinion and the other opinion’. They also stress the two-way media flow between the East and the West. This thesis is pro Al-Jazeera as it continues to praise the network in inviting American officials to view tapes (of Bin Laden) before broadcasting them. The thesis also states that Al-Jazeera justifies their decision to show gruesome images. They have continued to spread by creating an English site and by giving the public a voice by holding live phone-in programs.
The Following is a short history of Al-Jazeera:


The thesis bashes the US by mentioning bombings and military attacks on Al-Jazeera offices. There was an estimated 21 staff-members arrested following the Iraq invasion. Al-Jazeera was presented in the west as a partisan news report, as well as being anti-American. Their reporters were unable to get embedded with troops in Iraq, because of restrictions and biases towards their reporters. The English Al-Jazeera website was kept from being launched for six months by hackers, and two hosts ended up canceling their contracts for ‘unknown reasons’.


This CNN article talks about Al-Jazeera employees protesting the US’s alleged plan to bomb the networks headquarters




Thesis Two: serving ‘the West’

This thesis states that Al-Jazeera does not challenge Western media, but instead extends their power. This is the belief that Al-Jazeera is actually hegemonic by giving a false impression that political reform is on the way. It mentions the belief that Al-Jazeera is to blame in sabotaging Israeli-Palestinian peace talks by showing images of dead Palestinians and Iraqis. This reinforces the idea that it serves American interests because it weakens the Arab region and keeps any large force from taking the US’s oil.


This article from 2006 posted on Al-Jazeera mentions how Israeli artillery killed many civilians at a beach. Reading this would have caused anger and likely contributed to sabotaging the peace talks.


The thesis notes that Al-Jazeera originated from a model created by BBC. After 2005 many English-speaking employees joined Al-Jazeera after being fed up with “old media” and eager for an innovative new agenda. President Bush believed that Al-Jazeera took new media too far and wanted them to censor their output of information. This resulted in Al-Jazeera creating a code of ethics to deflect US pressure. However, the US did not stop there stating, “Qatar’s funding of Al-Jazeera constituted ‘state sponsorship of terrorism’.”


Al-Jazeera’s journalists’ code of ethics:


Thesis Three: an Arab force in Arab Politics

This thesis states that Al-Jazeera could be a credible source of counter-hegemonic contra-flow, because the creation of Al-Hurra by the US. This competing television station is evidence of their success. The thesis also states that Al-Jazeera has gone from being a transparent media outlet to a possible political actor. The addition of Al-Jazeera may have created what the thesis calls a triangle relationship, which exists in a democracy. The triangle exists when the media, the government, or the public is able to set their own political agenda. Many in the Arab World see Al-Jazeera as a political party. It gives Qatar more power than they would have otherwise, due to their small size. However, this idea is weakened because it is unlikely such a small state next to larger ones would risk it.


This article discusses the idea that Al-Jazeera is instead another way the wealthy in Qatar can push their political agenda:


Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk

Billy and the Bravo squad participate in the halftime show. It is full of chaotic lights, sounds, and movements and causes many members of the Bravo squad to have PTSD moment. He even goes so far as to wanting to be back in Iraq, where he at least knew what he was doing. Afterwards the Bravo squad gets in a fight with the ‘roadies’, because they are not sure where to go when the roadies are yelling at them to get off the stage. However, cheerleaders comfort the soldiers and Billy has a chance to talk with Faison.

Billy calls his family. His sister says she has a plan to keep Billy from going back to war, but he refuses to let his brother go back without him. After talking with his mom he is determined to return home. While watching the game in bad weather Billy gets a call from an unknown number, but lets it go to voicemail. It is the people Billy’s sister hired that are coming to extract Billy. Dime and Billy instead go to a meeting about the movie with Norm, who attempts to sign them for much less money that originally offered. The Bravo squad denies and leaves the game soon after. Outside the Roadies come after the Bravo Squad for a real fight, but it is broken up with a gunshot into the air. Billy finds Faison and kisses her goodbye.


Works Cited

Aljazeera + Agencies. “Israeli Artillery Fire Kills Palestinians.” Israeli Artillery Fire Kills Palestinians – Al Jazeera English. Aljazeera, 9 June 2006. Web. 31 Mar. 2017. <>.


“AL JAZEERA TV: The History of the Controversial Middle East News Station Arabic News Satellite Channel History of the Controversial Station.” AL JAZEERA TV: The History of the Controversial Middle East News Station Arabic News Satellite Channel History of the Controversial Station. Allied Media Corp., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2017. <>.


“Code of Ethics.” Al Jazeera America. Aljazeera America, 2016. Web. 31 Mar. 2017. <>.


Fountain, Ben. Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk. S.l.: Canongate, 2017. Print.
Nasr, Octavia. “Jazeera Fury over ‘U.S. Bomb’ Memo.” CNN. Cable News Network, 24 Nov. 2005. Web. 31 Mar. 2017. <>.
Rogers, Tony. “Has Al-Jazeera Become a Propaganda Mouthpiece for the Emir of Qatar?” ThoughtCo. N.p., 30 Oct. 2015. Web. 31 Mar. 2017. <>.


Sakr, Naomi. “Challenger or Lackey?” The Politics of News on Al-Jazeera. 117-27.


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