This May Have All Been Avoided (Safford v. Redding)

Safford Unified School District #1 v. Redding was a case that reached the Supreme Court in 2009, handling the issue of a possible fourth amendment violation. Savana Redding was a teenager at Safford Middle School in Arizona. Redding was accused of possessing and distributing prescription and over-the-counter drugs at school. The school district has a policy that prohibits the “non-medical use, possession, or sale of any drug on school grounds.” Students and their parents must receive administrative approval prior to allowing the drugs on the school campus. With the accusations from classmates and the school’s administration, Savana Redding was subjected to a search of her belongings, and later her clothing, which she had to reveal body parts. The result of these searches was negative and no drugs were found in Redding’s possession.

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Eight of nine justices agreed that the school district violated Redding’s fourth amendment rights. Justice Thomas was the only justice who dissented the majority opinion. He believed that Savana Redding was “secretly hiding the pills in a place she thought no one would look.” Was this enough reason to suspect a new place to look after searching the book bag? I think not. I believe that the search should’ve ended after the search of her belongings. It was mentioned in this case that schools are subjected to lower levels of privacy for students, so this makes the strip search reasonable in some situations. However, Justice Thomas’ attempt to rationalize Redding’s potential actions of further hiding the pills was uncalled for. He furthered his beliefs and stated that Redding wouldn’t be the “first person to conceal pills in her undergarments. Nor will she be the last.” That may be true, but it seems like a stretch for a middle scholar’s behavior. I believe that the Redding’s search should’ve ended after the search of her belongings because of her age. Her mother should’ve been notified and allowed to consent to the strip search of her daughter. Maybe this all could’ve been avoided. What do you think?

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