6 thoughts on “United Nations Security Council”

  1. -where decisions are made
    -5 permanent members (big five)
    -10 rotating members
    -need 9 votes for a resolution, but a single veto from a big 5 member can stop it. this is problematic because it is difficult to pass resolutions whens needed, it’s a little exclusive to the interests of the big 5 and there is taxation without representation (because rotating members do not always have a say)

  2. The decisions pertain to international peace and security including the dispatch of UN peacekeeping forces.

  3. All of the Security Council’s resolutions are binding, and it is the only UN council with this power.

  4. Interesting to note that the 5 permanent members, the exception of China, were the victors of World War II

  5. A body of five great powers (which can veto resolutions †’ problematic because it is difficult to pass resolutions and it is exclusive to the interests of the big five) and ten rotating member states that make decisions about international peace and security including the dispatch of UN peacekeeping forces.

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