5 thoughts on “Bhopal Accident”

  1. The Bhopal Accident was the worst industrial accident the world has ever seen. A gas leak at the Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant devasted the surrounding area in Bhopal, India. The incident exposed thousands of people to the affects of the chemicals. Thousands died immediately, but the chemicals have continued to affect not only the original population of Bhopal, but also the offspring. The offspring have expierenced birth defects due to an accident that happened long before they were born. The people affected by the accident did not recieve adaquate payment to cover medical bills as well as pain and suffering costs. No one was charged strictly for the accident and the maximun punishment for the crime was a jail sentence of two years and a fine of about $2000 each.

  2. Time (roughly) would help. One of the worst accidents.

    Independent from answering this question for the finals, a food for thought: what would have happened to if the same accident had happened in the US? Same outcome, or different?

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