Class #12

From this class period about teaching hard topics, I learned about the different levels of teaching hard topics and what decisions teachers have to make. Level one begins with the decision of telling students the truth or dancing around the truth, also depending upon the grade level. For example, what we talked about in class about the First Thanksgiving and the Native Americans and the Pilgrims. Starting in Kindergarten, should the teacher tell the truth right off the bat or let future teachers do that? I think even starting in Kindergarten the teacher should start to say how the Pilgrims did not “treat the Native Americans with respect.” I think the next level of teaching hard topics refers to whether the teacher will allow discourse and discussion in their class. I think a contained and respectful discussion of certain hard topics should be encouraged. But how does a teacher facilitate this? And what does the teacher do if it gets out of hand? Another important consideration that teachers need to make note of is the student’s upbringing and their parents. Like what was reiterated in class, it is important to send a note home with the students ANY time that there may be something controversial discussed. It is better to involve parents beforehand than face criticism and frustration after the fact. There are many different steps to take into consideration when teaching hard topics, which was brought to my attention during class this week.