VMFA visit

I have lived in the Richmond area for almost 34 years now and can honestly say that I had no idea of the educational resources offered by the VMFA.

Growing up in Chesterfield County, field trips to the VMFA were fairly frequent. I have fond memories of walking through the galleries with either my teacher or a tour guide and hearing about various works of art. One thing I don’t remember, however, is interpreting the pieces. I want to say if we had, I would remember it as the interpretation gives more meaning to the piece and creates a memorable experience.



3 thoughts on “VMFA visit”

  1. Sarah, I am so glad you learned a strategy to help students think about art in a new way. I am also glad you have had many experiences visiting the VMFA as a young student. I feel you are primed and ready to plan a great field trip for your future students. I wonder how you felt about virtual trip idea? To me, an optimal way to use “Maggie” would be a pre-trip or a front-loaded trip to the VMFA ahead of a face-to-face trip to the VMFA. Preparing students ahead of time about their visit could allow for an optimal student experience.

  2. @Lynne, what in the world happened to my post??? I just read your comment and wondered why you asked my thoughts on Maggie because I had written about her. It appears as if half of my original post is missing…eeek! Anyways, I had written exactly as you suggested. I loved the idea of utilizing the virtual resource as a way to prepare my students for their upcoming trip. I also wrote about how much I loved the room on the bottom floor. I’m super excited to take my own boys and see how they like it. I would be a bit hesitant to take a Kindergarten or even 1st grade class, but will use my little guy as a guinea pig and see how he likes it. Gotta love having my own personal elementary schooler to test things out on!
    Anyways, that’s briefly what I had written and again, I have no clue what happened! Good to know we are on the same page with how we would work a virtual field trip. I am super excited to take my future students to the VMFA!

  3. I assumed that somehow your post got garbled or lost, because a “short” post is so not you! (You are a wordy girl, but that’s not a bad thing!)
    I hope you get to take your boys to the museum. Please share if you do. I’d love to know what they think and what your reactions are.

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