Reflection Week 11

Once again, working on and finishing the lesson plan was helpful. It was a nice surprise to have few minutes to begin work on the bio lesson plan. I feel like I should be more comfortable when completing the bio lesson plan.

I feel that I was not as comfortable with the presentation as I have been in the past. Even though I always get a little nervous when presenting in front of my peers, the more you do it, the more comfortable you get with it and I feel like my last presentation went really well. It wasn’t because I waited to the last minute (working with a partner forces you to get it done sooner then later) but I think I should have read through it one more time and read it out loud to be a little more prepared. I will try to do this next time so I am a bit more comfortable.

I’m not sure if I want to work with a partner on the virtual filed trip or not. On one hand, you have someone to help with all the information and planning. On the other, you have to depend on them to help get the work done and compromise on what your going to do. I need to make a decision on this soon either way so I can get started on it. I think I am leaning on doing it myself but I might ask a few classmates what they are thinking and go from there.

The BBK activity is one of my favorites so far. I feel like being consistent in my teaching will be one of the keys to my students success and if I am able to use a strategy like this to always introduce new topics to my students, they will know the process and be able to become masters at it. However, I wonder if using the same strategy ALL the time would be beneficial or detrimental to students. If there are students that do not like the style of the BBK, would they be engaged and learn the material if that is all I use? Maybe it might be best to find three or four powerful ways to build that background knowledge so they could have a little variety but still be somewhat consistent in only using a few techniques.

I like that you guys changed the closing activity this week, however, I’m not so sure I could use that in lower elementary. I would be afraid that some of the boys might get a little carried away and someone might get hurt. Have either of you used this activity in elementary? How did it go?

One thought on “Reflection Week 11”

  1. Mike, I think your presentation went very well. You and your group mates were very knowledgeable and the topic was interesting…! Don’t be too hard on yourself :0).

    I would encourage you to use one or two types of BBK activities throughout the year. Maybe use one type during first semester and the second during the second semester. It will give students a chance to try each one twice and an opportunity improve.

    Know your students before you engage in throwing balls :0)…my best advice.

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