Week 6 Reflection

I felt like I learned a lot of valuable information form the ‘good versus bad’ assessment lesson.  I am a very visual person so it was helpful to me to have a solid, hard copy of good and bad assessment tools.  I have always struggled in school when it comes to taking tests and learning how important it is to create an effective, clear, and straightforward test is very useful to know moving forward as a teacher.  I always caught on to weird wording and over-thought at least half of my test questions convinced they were either just poorly written or meant to be a trick.

I am still a little confused about what I read in chapter 10 of the textbook.  I feel much more connected to the ideas of different assessments after the activities in class, but terms like rubric and criteria and performance-based and project-based still have me a bit confused.  I also struggle with what traditional assessments are appropriate and effective and also just how to make a clear rubric.  I assume many skills will come with time and experience, but I and currently at a loss for how I am supposed to formulate criteria to relay to students.