Week 11-Visual Arts

I am very encouraged that both the book and our professors endorse using the arts when teaching social studies.  I definitely believe in incorporating music and the arts into all areas of study.  The book pointed out in Chapter 8 that it is essential to integrate the arts into classroom curriculum whenever possible.  It encouraged using music, drama, paintings, and photos.

I wonder why the arts are not used more?  It is such a great way to connect students to the material and help them retain information.  I can count on one hand teachers that incorporated the arts into our curriculum while growing up.  And I can honestly say I still remember some of the things I was taught.

One thought on “Week 11-Visual Arts”

  1. Kelly, honestly infusing the arts into the content area is about what individual teachers value. Since art and music are often taught in isolation during “resource time” it is considered a “check off the list it is done task.” Also, some teachers might think it takes more time to teach using art and music and they already have a lot to do. However, teachers such as yourself who value the arts will find ways to embed the practice. I have great hope for your future students!

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