Blog #13

As the semester is winding down, and I am becoming steps closer to being a real life teacher, conversations like the ones that I was able to have tonight are a great reminder that I am not alone. During the first portion of the class where we took some time to reflect on areas that we feel we are weak in, I was a little bit worried that others would not feel the same way about the topics that I had chosen. I was quick to speak up and self identify the areas that I feel I am weakest in and found that I was not alone. Personally, it was a good reminder that I may assume others have a better handle on something than they really do, and the only way to know that they also have questions is to speak up.

Considering again the type of bias that I may bring to a situation, I was reminded tonight that I consistently need to be self evaluating how I am walking into any situation. As someone who is not against working in a Title I school, I need to be extremely aware of the cultural differences that I may have from the moment I step foot into the community. Helpful reminders like the conversations tonight are a great way to see the areas that I have to grow and learn in!