Unit Plan

You will develop a comprehensive unit for the teaching of any topic in elementary mathematics studied this semester. (This means measurement in geometry, geometry, rational numbers (fractions and decimals), and some advanced ideas in algebraic thinking are NOT appropriate topics.) This unit plan will encompass 10 days of instruction, review, and assessment.

The unit will be developed and shared online using Google Sites. It is due in pieces over the semester and will be revisable until the final due date. It must include the components listed and described below, which will be created as separate pages on your website.

Home – This is the landing page for your site. You should explain what can be found on the site and how to navigate it. Be sure to indicate the grade level and topic for your unit either on this page or in the header or title of your site. You should also provide basic author information.

Content – This page will include content information and resources for the unit. At a minimum, it must include:

  • VA Standards of Learning and relevant Common Core Standards
  • Teacher Notes/Background Information (from the Curriculum Framework AND other sources)
  • Vocabulary
  • Content resources (may include but is not limited to anchor chart ideas, content visuals, links to virtual manipulatives, helpful videos, etc.)

NotesThis is a page for teachers that will include general information and links to resources for math instruction in general. It is a good place to provide resources for mathematical thinking, growth mindset, manipulatives, writing in math (journals, perhaps), ideas for vocabulary instruction or word walls, bulletin boards, etc. 

Annotated Bibliography – This page should include an annotated list of resources that might be used in instruction. This bibliography should be written using APA format.

  • Books – Provide an annotated list of at least 5 children’s books that will be useful for supporting instruction. (Do NOT select books that are out of print!) Include an image of each book cover and provide a link for each book to the publisher or a site like Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Powell’s Books.
  • TechnologyProvide an annotated list of at least 5 web sites and/or apps that will be useful in supporting instruction. DO NOT select lesson plans, other resources for teachers, or mega-sites with many links. Pick sites and apps that are narrow, very specific to the topic, and written specifically for kids. Include a screenshot of the resource and a link to the site or app.

Unit Organizer – This page outlines the objectives, learning targets, and formative assessments for each day in the unit. Lesson plans are embedded on this page as Google Docs and will look like this.

Share each lesson and any associated materials by selecting “Anyone with the link” under General Access. Set their permission to “viewer.” Here is a short video explaining how to do this.

Daily lessons should be 60-75 minutes in length. Your unit must include the following lesson types:

  • 3 math workshop lessons (Note that these lessons may be one- or two-days in length.)
  • 1 rich-task lesson
  • 1 lesson that integrates children’s literature
  • 1 lesson that includes digital resources or technology-enhanced instruction (Note that this does not need to be a separate lesson but can be included in any lesson.)

Download the UR lesson plan template that has been modified for this math unit.

Assessment – This page will include a short narrative description of how you will evaluate each student’s overall performance and mastery of unit objectives. Include a copy of your summative assessment(s). Ensure that all formative assessment materials, including any answer sheets and grading rubrics used for evaluating student work, are included on this page or with your lesson plans. (Note where these can be found.)

Instead of completing reflections for each lesson you write, you will be responsible for completing a unit reflection.

Your unit will be assessed using the Math Unit Plan Rubric.

Here are some examples.