Problem Solving Activities

Each session you will be introduced to a new type of mathematical problem. I will conduct a think-aloud and walk you through an example. We will then work together to solve a new problem. Later, on your own, you will solve another problem in your notebook. After you solve the problem, you should reflect on the following ideas in your notebook:
  • your solution strategies (what worked?, what did not?)
  • your persistence and level of enjoyment, wonder, or frustration
  • how the problem might be used in instruction
  • the specific mathematical understandings the problem might help to develop in children
For your FIRST entry, write a brief autobiography of your experiences with problem-solving and mathematical puzzles. Here are some questions to consider as you write. You need not answer each one; just use them to guide your entry.
  • What kinds of problems did you solve in elementary school?
  • Did you play games in math? If so, what kind?
  • Did you play games at home that had mathematical connections?’
  • Do you solve problems for fun? If so, what kind do you solve?
  • How do feel when faced with a problem?
  • How do you approach novel problems?
For your FINAL entry, reflect on your problem-solving experience and share your thoughts about using problem-solving activities in the classroom and how you think they might best be implemented.