Post-Class Work

After each class session, you will complete 2 notebook entries. You will also complete readings and/or watch videos related to course content. This work will always come AFTER concepts have been introduced in class. This work must be completed before the next class session.

After Class 1 (Introduction)

  • Set up your Math Notebook – Title page (p. 1), Table of Contents (p. 2-3), write in page numbers
  • “My life in numbers” visual notebook entry (p. 4)
  • Autobiography of your experiences with problem-solving and mathematical puzzles (p. 5)
  • Complete SET problem (p. 6) and reflection (p. 7)

After Class 2 (Planning for Instruction)

  • Read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 4 to top of p. 77 (Stop when you reach Managing Differentiation)
  • Complete visual notes on reading and ideas from class (p. 8-9)
  • Complete Suguru problem (p. 10) and reflection (p. 11)

After Class 3 (Math Workshop/Assessment)

After Class 4 (Number Sense and Counting)

  • Read Chapter 5 and watch the Progressions video (7:34).
  • Complete visual notes on the reading and ideas from class (p. 16-17)
  • Complete Hidato problem (p. 18) and reflection (p. 19)

After Class 5 (Numeration and Place Value)

  • Read Chapter 8 to p. 161 (Stop when you reach Multiples) and p. 169.
  • Complete visual notes on the reading and ideas from class (p. 20-21)
  • Complete Futoshiki problem (p. 22) and reflection (p. 23)

After Class 6 (Introduction to Addition and Subtraction)

  • Read Chapter 6 to p. 118 (Stop when you reach Multiplication and Division) and Chapter 7 to p. 142 (Stop when you reach Learning Multiplication and Division Facts)
  • Complete visual notes on the reading and ideas from class (p. 24-25)
  • Complete Kakuro problem (p. 26) and reflection (p. 27)

After Class 7 (More Addition and Subtraction)

  • Read Chapter 9 through p. 188
  • Complete visual notes on the reading and ideas from class (p. 28-29)
  • Complete Ken-Ken problem (p. 30) and reflection (p. 31)

After Class 8 (Introduction to Multiplication and Division)

  • Read Chapter 6 p. 118 to end and Chapter 7 p. 142 to end
  • Complete visual notes on the reading and ideas from class (p. 32-33)
  • Complete Shikaku problem (p. 34) and reflection (p. 35)

After Class 9 (More Multiplication and Division)

  • Chapter 9 pp. 189 to end
  • Complete visual notes on the reading and ideas from class (p. 36-37)
  • Complete Game of 24 (p. 38) and reflection (p. 39)

After Class 10 (Mental Math and Discourse)

After Class 11 (Solving Problems and Algebraic Thinking)

After Class 12 (Probability and Statistics)

  • Read Chapters 19 and 20
  • Complete visual notes on the reading and ideas from class (p. 48-49)
  • Complete Binox problem (p. 50) and reflection (p. 51)

After Class 13 (Measurement)

  • Read Chapter 17 to p. 443 and Chapter 18 to p. 502
  • Complete visual notes on the reading and ideas from class (p.52-53)
  • Complete Norinori (p. 54) problem and reflection (p. 55)
  • Complete final problem-solving reflection (p. 56-57)

After Class 14 (Time and Money)

  • Read Chapter 18 from p. 503 to p. 513
  • Complete visual notes on the reading and ideas from class (p. 58-59)
  • Complete final visual notes on the big ideas of the course (p. 60-61)