Final Project – Comparing Egypt to Yourself

My Personal/National Identity

The flag of India is important to me because it is a big part of my identity. India is where my family is from and where most of my culture originates. The flag itself represents the distinct values of the country: strength, peace, and growth. The saffron color stand for growth, the white color stands for purity, the green color stands for life, and the wheel stands for progress. I often see this flag as it is within my house and I visit India every few years. It serves as a constant reminder of my heritage and what the country stands for.
Chicago, Illinois is where I was born and raised for the first few years of my childhood. This city means a lot to me as I have multiple memories of the times when I lived and visited there. Chicago, being one of the biggest cities in the US, has a unique culture that I fell in love with. The city opened my eyes to the endless opportunities this country offers. The diverse population allowed me to create friends of all colors and backgrounds. This place will always hold a special place in my identity and who I am.
The Taj Mahal, “Crown of the Palace,” is a mausoleum in the Indian city of Agra. It is one of the world’s most admired masterpieces and attracts 7-8 million tourists a year. It is a symbol of the rich history and culture of India. Having visited this monument once, I will always have a special connection with this unforgettable location. Anytime I see or hear about the Taj Mahal, I am reminded of the beauty of Mughal architecture and what this country has been able to accomplish.
Mount Rushmore is an iconic monument within the United States. Located in South Dakota, it is a memorial of four presidents of American history: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. These four men were able to accomplish much in their presidency and brought great change to the country. The monument serves as a symbol of the nation’s birth, growth, development, and preservation. I visited once when I was young and it was a breathtaking experience. I learned much of the nation’s values and what the country stands for.
Mahatma Gandhi, one of history’s most iconic nationalists, is a very respected individual in Indian culture. His nonviolent philosophy of passive resistance is an inspiration to many all over the world. He successfully freed India from British rule without the spilling of blood. When visiting India, I see that Gandhi is present almost everywhere, in the form of statues and monuments. He is also the face of some forms of currency. Mahatma Gandhi is a constant reminder of what India stands for and what it has endured getting to where it is.
The ability right to vote is a value that the United States of America is built upon. Eligibility to vote in the US is established through the US Constitution and by state law. This country allows its people to choose who leads, a privilege not many countries share. Just this past election, I was able to vote for the first time. Choosing who I believe will best represent the citizens was a reminder of the democratic values this country holds dear.
St. Patrick’s Church is a church located near St. Thomas Mt. in Chennai India, my mother’s hometown. This church has been around for 300 years, allowing generations of my family to attend mass. My family, being devout Catholics, raised me with the same religious upbringing they were brought up with. This church is a two-minute walk from our home in India, so every time I visit this is where I tend to go for mass. There are many traditions and rituals my family follows that helps unite us through a religious bond.
The Statue of Liberty is an iconic monument located in New York. It embodies the values of freedom and liberty, two principles that helped found this country. The statue also commemorates the national abolishment of slavery. I’ve seen the statue first-hand multiple times and it never ceases to amaze me. The statue is a permanent symbol of hope and opportunity for citizens and those looking to seek a better life in America.
The Andaman Islands are a group of islands within the Indian Ocean. The islands belong to the Indian government and serve as a popular tourist destination though there are still indigenous people that live there. It is where my father was born and raised. I have visited once and it was the best experience of my life. From snorkeling to riding elephants, I was able to experience once-in-a-lifetime moments. I also learned of the culture of India down there and how they lived.
Public education from kindergarten to twelfth grade is offered for free in the United States. This is an ability not many countries grant. Public education was declared a way to educate children in an attempt to prepare them to become disciplined, productive members of society. I attended public school before college and thoroughly enjoyed my experiences with it. I was able to learn much about this country and meet all different types of individuals.
Indian cuisine is made up of a variety of regional and traditional food native to India. Due to the diversity in soil, climate, occupations, culture, and ethnic groups, there is a great variety of Indian food. Indian cuisine is greatly influenced by religion, mostly Hinduism. Historical events including invasions, trades, and colonization have introduced certain foods to Indian cuisine. For example, Columbus’ discovery of the New World brought new fruits and vegetables to India. Indian cuisine has influenced numerous cuisines all over the world. On special occasions, I enjoy eating traditional Indian food that my mother cooks. I take great pride in Indian cuisine with India being where my heritage is from. The cooking includes a variety of spices, creating many different flavors.
American sports are one of the biggest forms of entertainment, making them a big part of the country’s culture. Whether it be college or professional, both rake in millions of views. Players come from all over the world to compete. Sports are associated with education in the US, with high schools and universities have organized sports teams. I myself take great pride in watching many of these sports and play two of them. Basketball and soccer have followed me from youth leagues to varsity high school teams. Sports are a big part of who I am and what I like to do.

My Egyptian Identity

Cats in Ancient Egypt held a great amount of significance. The Egyptians believed that cats were magical beings with the ability to bring good luck to the individuals that housed them. To respect and honor these animals, they would be dressed in jewels and fed treats for royalty. When cats passed away they were mummified and buried with their owners.
Cleopatra was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. She was a very powerful individual at a time when women were traditionally seen as inferior. Cleopatra greatly influenced Roman politics at a crucial time period in history. She also changed the way Western empires would be governed. Cleopatra left a lasting impact on the political aspect of Egypt.
In 1922, Great Britain agreed to recognize Egypt as independent under the condition that the Sultan changes his title to King. In the process, the King changed the national flag through a royal decree. The three stars represent the three territories of the kingdom and the green background symbolizes the agricultural nature of the country. This flag added to the establishment of Egypt’s independence and the formation of a kingdom.
The First Dynasty of Egypt marked a time of change for the Ancient Egyptians. It was the first set of Egyptian kings to rule over the unified country. The First Dynasty became the foundation for Egyptian politics and helped shape Egypt the way it is today.
Egyptian hieroglyphic writing is a system that employs characters in the form of images. It was the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt. Logographic, syllabic, and alphabetical elements were combined to create a total of some 1,000 characters. Much of Egypt’s history and traditions were documented through the use of hieroglyphics. The system influenced many other civilizations to preserve their history and culture through the use of documentation.
Islam is the most commonly practiced religion in modern Egypt, with 90% of the population identifying as Islamic. Followers study the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings, prayer rituals, pilgrimage, etc. It has become the world’s second-largest religion with Egypt being a big representation of the following population.
King Tutankhamun was an Ancient Egyptian Pharoah during the end of the 18th century. He was the last of his royal family to rule during the New Kingdom of the country. His tomb, hoarding a great number of treasures and artifacts, revealed a great deal about how royal life was in Ancient Egypt. King Tutankhamun and his tomb have since attracted the attention of many, making him the most famous Pharoah of all time. He has become an iconic symbol in Egyptian culture.
The Nile River is the longest river in Africa and the disputed longest river in the world. Due to most of Egypt’s land being desert, the Nile was able to provide fertile land to the Ancient Egyptians. Along the river, they grew crops as the soil was rich. The river also provided many resources for building things and served as a field of transportation for boats. The Nile still plays a big role in the life of Egyptians today and is famous all over the world.
The Papyrus plant is a reed that grows along the Nile River. In Ancient Egypt, the plant was used for a number of things, mostly as a material to write on. Ancient Egyptians also used the reed to create baskets, sandals, mats, rope, blankets, tables, chairs, mattresses, medicine, perfume, food, and clothes. Much of Egypt’s history and culture was documented on papyrus allowing the knowledge of Ancient Egypt to grow.
The Egyptian pyramids are ancient masonry structures created and located in Ancient Egypt. They are one of the greatest wonders of the world and are admired every year by many. They were built by Ancient Egyptians and most served as tombs for the pharaohs during the Old and Middle Kingdoms. They were built during a time when Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilizations in the world and are a constant reminder of the country’s rich and glorious past.
Ancient Egyptian deities are gods and goddesses that were worshipped in Ancient Egypt. The beliefs and rituals that were created as a result of these deities formed the core of Ancient Egyptian religion. There were over 2,000 deities in the Egyptian pantheon. They appear in virtually all aspects of Ancient Egyptian civilization and played a significant role in the lives of the population.
The Great Sphinx of Egypt is a limestone statue depicting a mythical creature. It faces from West to East, standing on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile River. In Ancient Egypt, the sphinx was a spiritual guardian and a prominent mythological being. Figures of the sphinx were included in tombs and temples. Today, the statue is a popular tourist destination and is an example of the beauty and rich history of Egyptian culture.