An interview with an immigrant…

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Recently, I thought it might be interesting to create an interview for adult immigrants to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences. I will be posting the results of my interview, but these are the questions that I came up with…

Comparative Leadership in a Global Context Name: ____________________
Adult Interview Questions

Please answer the questions below as completely as possible. If there is anything that you believe is too personal or you do not wish to answer it, please but N/A for that question.
This interview may be written or can be taken verbally if that is more comfortable or the interviewee is better able to express themselves.
If you have lived in more than one place, please comment on each place that you have lived if appropriate.

1. What were the reasons/circumstances that led to you leaving your native country?

2. Did you travel alone/were some family members left behind/stayed behind? What (if any) were the reasons behind this decision?

3. What was it like upon first arriving in your new “adopted” country? What were your first impressions? What were the biggest differences between your new place of residence and your home? If you have lived in more than one place, please comment on each place that you have lived?

4. Were you made to feel welcome? If so, was there something in particular that made you feel welcome? If not, what thing(s) were the source of your discomfort?

5. If you were a student, what was the educational system like for you? How was it similar/different to what you were familiar with before?

6. What was it like to learn a new language and be forced to communicate in it daily? Were you resistant at first? Was there anything that helped/hindered your language acquisition?

7. What are the biggest cultural differences between your native country and your “adopted” country? What cultural norms/nuances do you prefer from each?

8. If you are able to visit your native country now, what is it like? How do you perceive it now? Do you feel accepted there or do you feel like an outsider? Similarly, do you feel accepted/welcomed in your adopted country (ies)?

9. What are some things that you feel would help people newly arriving to a country be able to integrate more easily? Do you think that assimilation should be the primary goal? Have you tried to assimilate, do you prefer to maintain your primary culture, or a mixture?

10. Is there anything else that you’d like to share or any questions/observations that you think I have not covered?