Extra Credit 3/9

After reviewing what we did in class and thinking about it more, I agree with what my classmates were saying. Kendall, Celia and Tess all acknowledged that we need to remember history in order to make corrections. Therefore, I think it is a serious consideration to keep the names of buildings on campus. I can see both sides of the argument. While many people want to change the names as they remind them of the worst parts of history, others want them to stay because they are part of history and it is important to remember our past. It is important to remember our past because then we can make adjustments to the present in order to be more accepting. While I do believe this, these names of buildings do not directly impact me. Thus, I can not fully understand what others may be going through or thinking.

One thought on “Extra Credit 3/9

  1. Nichole Schiff

    I do see your point in this not affecting you and that you dont fully understand what others may be going through or thinking. Thus, it brings of the point of looking back at history of not only seeing the history/what the importance was of the names on the buildings in the past, but we also have to think about what those names meant and continue to mean/perpetrate to other large groups of people/students on campus by doing research, and just listening to stories and supporting those who are greatly affected by those names being on our buildings on campus. While I do see the importance of remembering the past, There are ways to remember the history of the buildings and their names while not continuing to advertise and display names on our buildings that perpetrated the worst parts of history, such as putting a plaque inside the buildings or on the outside that discuss some of the history, or simply state “formally known as Ryland hall”. This being said and for those reasons, I personally choose to stand by the large groups of our students that these names negatively affect and I think the names should be changed on the buildings across campus.

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