IAT response

I was not largely surprised by my results from the IAT test that I took. This was not the first time that I had taken one of these tests so I tried to take a different one. The test that I took was the skin color test and my results did not surprise me much. I showed a slight preference for light skin which I think especially considered the recent events of the past year is something that I have given much more thought to recently. Obviously I would prefer if I showed no preference and had no implicit bias but that is simply not the reality of the world we live in. I acknowledge that I grew up in a very white area with little diversity and was exposed to diversity but never in my day to day life. I think that this made a bit naive in the way that I viewed issues of skin color and I think that implicit bias tests like this help to recognize and work to override these mind bugs that have developed. Ultimately, while I am not surprised by my results, I hope that I can continue to work to counter act my implicit biases and remove them from my decision making.