Outside Event – TedTalk: In defense of Extroverts

This ted talk was particularly interesting for me because I’ve always assumed extroverts were purely advantageous in our society. Growing up, I was an introvert, and I saw this as a disadvantage in the world I was growing up in. Throughout high school I put a lot of effort in acting like an extrovert to become more like one, in the hopes this would put me in a better position. However, I can see how it would be problematic as well. Being “too nice” in business can definitely be seen as a disadvantage, as people view that as the leader not being prepared to do what needs to be done. As shown in the Ted Talk, this is a shame since people prefer to work with nice people who care about them and are friendly.

I also didn’t know there were multiple types of extroverts, though it certainly makes sense. The examples Katherine Lucas used for these types fits very well, and I found it gave a lot of context for why certain leaders struggle and others do well, even if they’re all extroverts. I wonder how we would characterize modern presidents like Barack Obama, as I could see him being called both a Agentic Extrovert and a Affiliative Extrovert. President Obama was seen as a commanding leader by many who thrived in a leadership position,  but he was also very good at social situations while campaigning.