Favorite ad

This is my favorite ad because its funny. I am a big fan of the funny ads especially with everything going on in the world right now. Its lighthearted, amusing, and kind of dumb but it gets the point accross. It depicts a game night with a sloth who is drawing really really slowly. The people are guessing all the different things the sloth could be drawing and all of them are wrong. At the end of the allowed time to draw, we are told that the sloth is drawing a bike. The punch line for the ad is that as long as you can count as sloths to be slow, you can count on Geico to save you money.

One of Geico’s more famous slogans is Geico can save you 15% or more on car insurance, but after reading the article on statistics and how you can manipulate them, I’m not sure how realistic that actually is. I knew before that stats could be manipulated but I had no idea to what extent they could be changed. Though this ad is funny and I laugh almost every time it comes on the tv, I would be curious to know what the true savings rate is for everyone.


4 thoughts on “Favorite ad

  1. Kostro Montina

    I have to say Geico has some of the best commercials ever and this one was definitely one of them. This ad is hilarious!

  2. Ellen Curtis

    i think that for me to actually watch an ad it does have to be at least a little bit funny or emotionally appealing, otherwise I’m totally checked out. If they just list things I really never pay attention.

  3. Joseph Walton

    I also see the marketing benefits with having a funny ad, but a lot of the time, I forget what company it actually is. Geico does a good job of making this type of commercial a campaign because it helps with that problem.

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