Favorite Ads

Considering the number of images and messages that we are bombarded with on the daily, it is hard to pick just one that rises above the rest. So naturally, I’ve selected a couple.

One of my favorite’s is probably Always’s  “Like A Girl” campaign. They would show short clips on TV, but post 5 minute or more videos of YouTube that outlined the whole campaign. They would ask older teenagers what it meant to do something “like a girl,” and they acted out the traditional insulting image of what that looked like. Then they would ask the name of younger girls who showed a different meaning of what “like a girl” meant to them. I liked it before it forced people to confront the sexist language and euphemisms that we use everyday.  LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJQBjWYDTs

Another one I love is GEICO because of their wide variety of ads with the same punchline –GEICO making its customers happier than the witch in the broom factory or a camel on humpday or Paul Revere with a cellphone. They’re always funny and are super re-quotable which helps make them more famous (especially the “humpday” one). They are also all very brief at about only 30 seconds which means they are very effective at communicating their message in compelling way in a very short amount of time. LINK:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LtjzQaFZ3k


4 thoughts on “Favorite Ads

  1. Leah Hincks

    I also love the like a girl campaign. I think that it is really impactful to see how big of an impact our rhetoric around feminism can have on girls. It also does a good job of empowering women and creating a sense of community around Always’ brand.

  2. Nadia Iqbal

    The “Like a Girl” commercial really did make an impact on our generation, and I’ve seen it be used in my classes or educational purposes. It definitely succeeded because it seemed to surpass the title of a simple commercial, but made a powerful claim on a number of larger issues.

  3. Esmi

    Thank you for choosing the “Like a Girl” ad! Yes! This is also one of my favorites and it honestly was the first time I ever saw someone tackling issues like bias and sexism in the media. Another company that has been tackling issues in an amazing way is Gillette. For example in this ad, https://youtu.be/koPmuEyP3a0

    Personally, I am more drawn to support companies that use their platform in this way.

  4. Sarah Houle

    When writing by my blog post, I completely forgot about the “Like a Girl” campaign. I remember seeing when those came out and watching a lot them on YouTube. I really liked them because they were showing young girls being comfortable in themselves. However, I have always been a little uncomfortable with companies using political movements for their ads. As the readings showed, using political movements is a motive for ad campaigns, which, to me, sometimes comes off as artificial.

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