March 23rd

Throughout this reading, I found that there were a lot of similarities between this reading and a lot of the terms/vocabulary I used in my AP psychology class. For example, naturalistic observation is observing an animal/species in its natural environment without causing any distractions just observing g how it would usually act on its own. The next term that stood out to me was a retrospective case study which is “A type of longitudinal case study design in which all data, including first-person accounts, are collected after the fact. The events and activities under study have already occurred, and the outcomes of these events and activities are known.” Studying why something happened or looking at the cause and effect after the event has occurred. Finally, the last term that stood out to me was a correlational study. In correlational studies, there is no such thing as causation there are only relationships between two entities. For example, +1 being a perfect positive correlation, 0 being no correlation, and -1 being a perfect negative correlation.  

When thinking of naturalistic observation what first came to my mind was Jane Goodall and her observation of chimpanzees in the wild. She observed their behaviors from afar without drawing attention to herself causing the monkeys to likely change their behavior. In the reading, the example that they gave relating to retrospective case studies was studying why people protested/what caused people to protest and discovering the link between the two. For correlational studies what stood out to me during my psychology class was that the reason why correlation does not lead to causation is that there are extremely strange correlational relationships such as eating watching the movie Nemo can lead to children taking longer to become potty trained strange studies like that.