Implicit Bias Test Response

The implicit bias test I took was on a topic that I see both sides of. It was an example of: my parents believe concept #1, it is a generational view, something that I grew up with so I understand. Concept #2 is generally more popular with my generation and demographic. I believed that since high school with my evolving views that are my own, separate from my parents, I would hold a slightly stronger preference for concept #2 over concept #1. That was not the case, the test showed that I hold a slight bias for #1. This was not the result I was expecting, this surprised me greatly and got me thinking about the power of the environment we grow up in, the way parents unknowingly mold their children. We never talk about where our beliefs came from, we just firmly state “I believe x,” and then fight about it, I feel like it is a huge loss that we, as a society, don’t take the time to breakdown where our beliefs come from. I feel like this would lead to finding more common ground among people and a stronger self-awareness.

3 thoughts on “Implicit Bias Test Response

  1. Esmi

    I should try taking a test that is similar to your experience (a test I “See both sides of”)! I never thought about testing how or if my beliefs have evolved from what my parents raised me as. One of the big things about implicit biases is that it isn’t always a view we endorse. We may not believe that view, we just subconsciously hold it. I’m glad you could take the test and realize this difference and I hope you’re not too hard on yourself.

  2. Robert Loonie

    I think you brought up some really interesting points. I think that while going to college is a great place to learn more viewpoints, since we still go back to visit our parents so frequently for breaks and have spent the vast majority of our lives with them, their ideals still influence us, regardless of how big or small they may be. While we may not agree with these viewpoints, I think having a close relationship with someone that holds them makes us more understanding of them. I think it would be really interesting to take this test now and in a couple of years to see if there is a weaker correlation over time.

  3. Nikhil Mehta

    I have found that my parents shaped many of my beliefs growing up, but they also encouraged me to think independently and form my own views. In some cases, this resulted in my adopting their view but believing I formed the view independently, In other cases, I independently formed views opposing my parents’ views. I always find it interesting to discuss new topics with my parents to see if their influence has molded the way I see certain topics.

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