Stereotype Threat

I was introduced to the concept of stereotype threat in my junior year of high school and as I learn more about different populations and the negative and positive stereotypes associated with them it becomes more and more clear the negative effects that the stereotype threat can play. A portion of Hoyte and Murphy’s report that stood out to me was when they said “stereotype threat revolves around making the stereotype less self-relevant. In the face of stereotype threat, women frequently try to separate their sense of self-worth from their performance in that domain oftentimes by distancing themselves from the domain or from the devalued group. Disengagement from a domain that is threatening to one’s self-worth can be ego protective and can facilitate persistence and motivation in the short term; however, it can also lead to reduced performance, motivation, and ultimately, disidentification from the domain altogether “. I found this very interesting as in many of the studies I have learned about stereotype threat they discuss the short term effects, like how being reminded of a stereotype affects an individual’s performance in taking a test or in a discussion.  I think the long terms effects pose a much greater threat to the individual and the negatively affected population. In other words, I feel that deterioration of one’s identity can lead to long term mental health struggles and further, the groups struggle in the long run as disassociation is doing nothing to put a stop to the harmful stereotype… if anything- it perpetuates its existence, making it harder for those who don’t have the skill or the ability to disassociate and avoid the negative effects.