Implicit Bias Test

I took the gender and science test and received the result “slight automatic association for Male and Liberal Arts and Female with Science.” I was a bit surprised from this result. I was worried that I was going to get the opposite which is a stereotype I strongly dislike, and I wonder if this made me more conscious of what I was answering. I am a female in science (math) myself, so the math=male stereotype is one I am sensitive to and do not want to perpetuate, even if it is subconscious. When I look around my classes, I feel like there is usually a good mix of men and women surrounding me. However, in my liberal arts classes I do notice a ratio heavier on the female side. I am sure that these impacted my score. Implicit biases are very frightening to me. I do not want to underperform or pressure people because of my unregistered stereotypes, but that is just another reason why it is so important to try to bring them to light.