Implicit Bias

I knew I had a implicit bias towards things. We are all raised on the beliefs of our parents and as we grow up, we associate different ideas to different topics. As I grew older, I took notice of what I saw in different situations. This has changed the way I see things and what I associate with different ideas.

Based on our experiences, we can change from what we learned from our childhood. I learned from my implicit bias test, that my views have changed than what I learned growing up. I love how our society is changing to shape the varying ideas and perspectives that we all believe. I think it is impossible to eliminate all implicit biases. We would all love to think we do not carry them, but we do. I hope to take this implicit bias test in the future to see whether what I think I associate towards an idea are the same or not.

2 thoughts on “Implicit Bias

  1. Leah Hincks

    I disagree that it is impossible to eliminate implicit biases. Implicit biases depend so much on the environment where a person lives. Say, for example, that I grew up in a place where I only ever saw women go to work and men stay home with their children. I would implicitly associate women with working and careers. This would be a different bias than is common today, but I would still have a bias.

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