Podcast 13

When discussing the Titanic, I knew that women and children were asked to board the life boats first, and everyone in 1st class went before anyone else. But what I didn’t realize (which is probably really dumb) was that while everyone is panicking and trying to figure out who gets onto the boats and who doesn’t, there are already several people who are dead, the workers at the bottom levels of the ship. This was really disturbing and sad to realize. Whenever I think about the Titanic, I think about the movie because that is the only “visual” or “memories” that my brain has of those events. I think the Titanic is one of the saddest movies, but now I’m realizing that while all those hundreds of people are trying to survive for two hours of the movie, there are people who had already died. I also didn’t know that there were two black men on the Titanic, one with a white wife, who has denied access to the lifeboats. The history of the ship just gets sadder and sadder.

As for my life, I’m hoping I’ll find jobs and be successful with a Jepson degree, but I don’t know if this podcast made me feel any better about that. But, I do love that you can use leadership in any career field or job, and that Jepson majors have worked all over the place, so I know that it doesn’t limit me to one area of work. That’s one of the main reasons why I chose to major in Leadership.

2 thoughts on “Podcast 13

  1. Helen Strigel

    I too feel dumb for not realizing before that some people had instantly died when the Titanic hit the iceberg or that some people like the staff didn’t have a choice on whether or not they could board the lifeboats. Also, I too partially chose the leadership major because of the variety of job fields we can choose from.

  2. Judith Witke Mele

    I also should not have been but was taken aback by the fact that everyone on the lower levels of the boat died before even getting a chance to live. It makes me realize how “censored” or Whitewashed, or whatever you want to call it the movie is. We see Jack and Rose struggling to get from the lower levels of the boat to the top but we don’t see all the lower class people who should also be rushing up for safety. And while I knew the movie was inacurate this just enhances that even more.

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