Blog Post 4/22

The podcast and the reading for next day’s class was extremely inspiring and I was kind of shocked to be learning about it. Usually Bezio debunks and exposes us to new, bad things in society, however this has a different tone and message. I particularly liked the passage in the reading my Nelson Mandela when he said “Humans are too simpleminded.. things are covered in hope and love.” This is him writing about hope and happiness when he is in fact a political prisoner. I am usually a pretty optimistic person and I always hold an optimistic view even when looking at events or things that may knock others down. Sometimes this is a good thing, other times it is kind of a bad thing and it can make me be too naive. However, this reading reassures me that there are positive people in the world and that the world is not as bad as it sometimes seems.

I also found the story of the microcosm of the Titanic extremely interesting especially given the fact that we have just been talking about movies and entertainment. Everyone loves the Titanic as an amazing and moving love story, however very few people I feel like really dive deep down into the actual meaning and implications of the crash. Even though Jack was a lower class man and Rose was in the upper class, the whole story was basically only about Jack trying to get out of the lower deck while running past all the poor engineers and leaving them to die. I also think it is a really interesting if you look at the Titanic in a sexism or feminist perspective because the women and children did get the first choice to safety. This reminds me of the trolley problem in class when there were men on one side and women on the other, and the question was which side to make the lever turn. We could either run over the men and save the women by taking a stand against the patriarchy, or we can run over the women to ensure equality. It is kind of a double edged sword.

One thought on “Blog Post 4/22

  1. Christopher Wilson

    While it is okay to carry a pessimistic view of the world, I agree with you that we need to start re-framing the narrative, especially in the media, of what good is being done in our society. By doing this, I feel that this will encourage others to act because, from our lesson on implicit biases, representation matters.

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