Blog Post April 20

Listening to the podcast, I had not realized how many songs were used as a method of both storytelling and social commentary. Song are similar to stories in the way that they are an “easier,” more indirect way to speak out against social issues and be heard by many people. I grew up listening to jazz music with my father, but I never realized the historical relevance of the music in relationship to prohibition.

I had never watched Beyonce’s Formation music video, but in watching it I immediately recognized various nods to black Southern culture in both the video and the lyrics. In between dancing and singing shots, the music video cuts to scenes of houses and cars underwater in reference to the hurricanes that have affected New Orleans, a predominantly black city. The city suffered serious damages and left many without homes and jobs, many areas of the city have not yet been rebuilt and people are still facing the repercussions 16 years later. The integration of social issues into popular culture and media is a great way to bring attention to these issues. One scene that stood out to me in the video was the little boy dancing in front of the police officers. This struck me because a disturbing number young black men have died at the hands of police officers in recent history. I think the choice to portray a very young boy represents the innocence of these young men, and also strikes people in a different way than if the filmmakers would have used a young man. His youth and innocence juxtaposed against the armed officers is unsettling to the viewer, which is its intention. It is incredible that popular black creators like  Beyonce use their platform to call attention to social injustices, which starts conversations that go above and beyond the music itself.

3 thoughts on “Blog Post April 20

  1. Michael Childress

    I think that to extend your point, that songs are easier and more indirect ways to convey a message is really important. Often, people catch themselves singing a catchy tune, without even really thinking about what it means. for this reason, it is probably one of the most effective ways to communicate a point and create awareness of the cause. The way you tied in the young boy and the police was a great explicit example to relate the way music (and music videos) can influence a culture, as we learned last week when we talked about pop culture

  2. Regan McCrossan

    I agree with you, I don’t think I realized the messages that songs can hold until I got a little older. After watching the music videos it is evident that artists like Beyonce use their singing platform to reach their audience. I also think the police officer scene was noticeable but I really payed attention to the power of women within the video.

  3. Oona Elovaara

    I think the formation music video was really creative in it’s symbolism and the different ways it referenced the hardships within the black community. But I think the video also showed incredible strength and unity in the black community. It wasn’t a pity video or meant for people to feel bad for black people, but to show how powerful and resilient they are, and how they are united together to make a change in the face of oppression and social injustice.

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