Post for 4/13/21

I really liked the way that Harvey and Dr. Bezio discuss leadership and how important representation is to leadership. Harvey defines leadership as the process of individuals and activities that influence a group to achieve a common goal. What I thought was most interesting in the Harvey reading was the seven fundamental questions that groups and leaders must confront and answer. These questions are meant to essentially determine a plan to how achieve this goal and I think they are important questions that people don’t really think about. It’s essential to ask ourselves questions such as, “who are we, where are we, where are we going and how will we get there?” If we don’t, we may not have a solid plan for getting to the common goal.

I also really liked Dr. Bezio’s reading and podcast, which talks primarily about pop culture. She defines pop culture as literally popular culture, which tends to be associated with young people and the uneducated. What people don’t usually think about is the fact that if a culture is popular, then there is a wide audience exposed to it. This in turn means there is potential for this culture to induce change or influence us in a certain way. I also liked the point of pop culture being a form of story telling, which essentially is leadership. I think it’s important to realize that what we are surrounded by shapes our view on the world. If we only watch movies with black people portrayed as criminals, we will have a biased view on who is a “threat” to the world. But, if we see a movie like Just Mercy, we will be exposed to the fact that this bias has falsely incarcerated way too many black people.

One thought on “Post for 4/13/21

  1. Sophia Picozzi

    I also really liked the questions in the Harvey reading and thought the way he divided it up from : Learning, Envisioning, and Drive was a really unique way to put it. It definitely shows us that we are always learning.

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