Political Ads for 4/1

My election was 2008, Obama vs McCain. My favorite ad was from Obama’s side called Yes We Can by Bezio on the google doc. It was an ad basically putting one of Obama’s speeches into song, featuring singers, such as John Legend and WILL.I.AM, and other famous people, such Kareem Abdul-Jabar, with Obama speaking over their voices singing. There was also a person signing ALS which was really cool to see.

I really liked this ad because it was easy to watch and didn’t seem to come off with too much of a political agenda. I also really liked the positive message of equality and how we can be better in this nation with equity, diversity, and inclusion. He mentions how enslaved persons fought for freedom, and how “nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change”. He also states that America is not as divided as politics like to say, which is a really encouraging point as the media and news focus heavily on republican vs democrat vs whoever else, in my opinion. I think just the overall “Yes we can” message is very powerful and super inspiring for America to hear over and over again throughout the ad.

4 thoughts on “Political Ads for 4/1

  1. Theresia Keppel

    My favorite ad that I watched was also one that was funny and less focused. I agree the the optimism of “Yes we can” is a powerful message and one that regardless of the time is going to have an impact on the American people.

  2. Nichole Schiff

    I think it was also smart of Obama to include famous celebrities from pop culture, as many people look up to celebrities as role models and will consider more highly the people/candidates that they support. We can see how this was a strategy that i’m not sure if Biden meant to use in this past years election, but the surplus of celebrities speaking up about their support for Biden and telling people to vote for Biden most likely helped him receive more votes.

  3. Oona Elovaara

    This sounds like a campaign ad I would’ve also liked. I think the ones that seem the most genuine are the ones the general public can connect to the best, and get behind. It gets tiring to see the same negative ads bashing the other party or political ads in general that just summarize that candidate’s agenda. Hearing a song and seeing celebrities on screen would be a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the ads. I also think that people seeing their favorite celebrities on screen would draw their attention to the ad and make them want to watch.

  4. Kate Lavan

    I believe I was in second grade during this election yet I remember it very vividly. I really like this ad as well because it is uplifting and optimistic which was especially important for the American people in the middle of the Great Recession. Focusing on diversity and inclusion was a smart technique in my opinion because it brought light and attention to different aspects of culture during a rough year for many people.

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