Extra Credit- Thoughts On Changing the Building Names

I do understand some people’s perspectives and reasons for not wanting to change the building names on campus, as they think that we should remember what happened in our past and try to learn/grow from it rather than just changing the names on the buildings. However, this brings up the point of looking back at history of not only seeing the history/what the importance was of the names on the buildings in the past, but we also have to think about what those names meant and continue to mean/perpetrate to other large groups of people/students on campus by doing research, as well as just listening to stories, reasons, and supporting those who are greatly affected by those names being on our buildings on campus. This also brings in the concept of ethics, and what is ethically and morally right to do. We need to think about everyone that is affected by these building names and why students created the “protect the web” petition in the first place, and how much an issue this truly must be if the students took so much time and effort to bring this movement into motion. I personally think it is morally and ethically right to  stand by the large groups of our students that these names negatively affect and I think the names should be changed on the buildings  across campus.

 While I do see the importance of remembering the past, There are ways to remember the history of the buildings and their names while not continuing to advertise and display names on our buildings that perpetrated (and continue to penetrate and a constant reminder for some) the worst parts of history, such as putting a plaque inside the buildings or on the outside that discuss some of the history, or simply state “formally known as Ryland hall”, in order to preserve the history of the buildings.