Implicit Bias Test Blog

For this assignment, I decided to take the Gender-Career IAT. Overall, I was not surprised with the results that I received, which showed that I, for the most part, had a moderate automatic association of Male with Career and Female with Family. I think that this association of male with career and female with family comes largely due to the influence of the culture around me, for oftentimes, the American culture pushes the image of a nuclear family as the ideal, with the father as the “breadwinner”, while the mother stays at home. While I am a career-oriented woman, I have been ingrained with this culture for my entire life, and thus I believe the constant pushing of this ideal, and the view of men as the “breadwinner” has become an implicit bias of mine that I can become more aware of. I think one thing that has made my implicit bias closer to being borderline moderate instead of strong is that growing up, both my mother and father worked full-time jobs, and overall split many of the family duties, and pushed strongly for my sister and me to focus on our educations and careers. Additionally, my mother comes from a family that, even in the early 1930s, had woman pursuing careers; thus, I believe that it is this combination of being strongly influenced by the male-career dominated culture, along with a family that strongly pushes for woman to pursue careers, that lead to my implicit bias being quite moderate.