Implicit Bias Test

I took the implicit bias about age and it suggested that I have a slight automatic preference for old people over young people. This means that I linked being old with good at a quicker speed than old with bad. I was surprised by this result because the majority of test-takers revealed the opposite. Furthermore, based on my own age, I was surprised that I wouldn’t favor those closer in resemblance to my own appearance. I wonder, if my results are true, maybe because of my age the older people’s pictures stood out in my brain more as different. With the same logic, if my results are inaccurate, I wonder what the average age of this test’s sample size was because I might be on the younger spectrum. 

3 thoughts on “Implicit Bias Test

  1. Sofie Martinez

    This is a super interesting bias to have, and one that I hadn’t considered before. I definitely agree with your hypothesis though as I would imagine myself to be biased towards people my age. However, I think it might be important to note that, generally, women are more emotionally mature and might even feel like they are older than they are. I don’t know who you are personally, but I sometimes feel as though I favor older people in general because the maturity level starts feeling the same… just a thought.

  2. Oona Elovaara

    I think it’s interesting that you mentioned the average age of this test’s sample size, and I would be really curious to see a chart or graph showing what results different age groups got. If I had to guess, I would assume that my own test results would steer more towards favoring the younger side like you said, but I think you make a good point that the pictures of older people might stand out to us more and be more recognizable, and therefore we would have a faster reaction time to them.

  3. Sophia Picozzi

    I took the same test and I had the opposite result! This is really interesting and I wonder what that says about both of us and our similarities/ differences.

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