Implicit bias quiz

I took the implicit bias quiz towards gay and straight people, and I was told I have a strong preference for gay people over straight people. I’d say that this doesn’t even kind of surprise me. I identify as a bisexual woman, and I have found much more support and safety for my sexuality in the queer community than in the straight one. Sometimes I feel as though my sexuality is heavily fetishized among straight people as well (Stereotyped among straight girls who think that because I’m bi I have no standards and immediately think I’m attracted to them after I mention it). The first comment that men tend to make towards my sexuality is something pertaining to sex, and specifically the ways my sexuality can perform for theirs. It’s pretty disgusting, so it makes sense I feel better with the people that don’t objectify me one way or another. Not to say that I hate all straight people- you guys (even though I don’t entirely believe you exit because I believe everyone is on the queer spectrum to some extent) are pretty cool too. But when I am around gay people, I sometimes tend to feel more human, and more appreciated in a non-sexual way.

I recently watched a Tik Tok where a gay woman was saying that she knew she was gay from a very young age, but didn’t know how to recognize it because the media objectifies women so much, she thought it was normal to be attracted to women in that sense. I feel as though this is a pretty universal truth, and one that queer women in particular have to work through every day. Growing up in a straight society, we are implicitly told that women are objects and that romantic relationships should have the end goal of reproduction in one way or another. I don’t know if other gay people have experienced this, but I had to fight back my own internalized preference for heterosexuality (And low-key homophobia) before I could fully accept my sexuality and feel liberated as a queer woman.

2 thoughts on “Implicit bias quiz

  1. Caitlin Doyle

    I think this is a really interesting response to this specific test because I, as a bisexual woman, also received similar results of a strong preference for gay people over straight people when I took this test in the past. I agree with your assessment that the support from the gay community has also given me a strong preference for that community, for it was within this community and with other non-straight friends that I was able to figure out who I was and how to be proud of that, something that I don’t know I would be able to do within the straight community.

  2. Oona Elovaara

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and being open to writing about it. I am a straight woman, and I really appreciated hearing your experiences as a bisexual woman. It’s horrible to hear some of the experiences and reactions you have received from straight girls and guys, and it’s absolutely ridiculous that some straight girls think that because you are bi you would automatically be attracted to them. I hate that you have not feel as safe and appreciated within the straight community, and I hope that our world is slowly but surely evolving into a better and safer place for everyone. I personally have never understood why it matters to someone who someone else likes or who someone else is attracted to….it doesn’t effect your own choices or life in any way.

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