Cultural and Implicit Bias/ IAT

I took a great deal of pleasure finding out in this reading that most likely if a flat earther took an Implicit Association Test (IAT) they would associate earth with a sphere. Of course, their explicit bias still is the earth is flat. But I still enjoyed imagining a flat earther getting said IAT result and their reaction to it.
Something that stood out to me in the reading was in chapter 6 when the authors discuss facial recognition by race. I have known for as long as I can remember about racial profiling, specifically when it comes to police officers misidentifying innocent black members of comminutes as suspects. But this year with the help of some of my other classes I have come to think more about facial features and race, more specifically the concept that it can be easier for white people to see identifying features in other white people, and other races to see identifying features in their race because of the faces they have been exposed to growing up, or rather the differences in faces they have seen growing up.
The way the Podcast discussed change in stereotypes and high/low culture over time seems contradictory to me in the same way it is contradictory to me that women have been taught they are meant to be in the kitchen and cook for their house bands, but when it comes to a career as a chef or a head cook that is a man’s job. The decisions of what is for women vs men, or what is for the rich vs the poor have changed and contracted themselves forever. It makes me wonder how we can change and flip so many “traditions” but still have the same class, gender, and race issues.

I took two tests and was not surprised by either of my answers. One of them I would say I was pleased with the answer as I had “no automatic preference.” The other I was slightly less pleased with myself for but again not surprised as it suggested a “slight automatic preference.” But I do believe the reason I got the second one was because of something I feel about my life rather than something I judge others for.

2 thoughts on “Cultural and Implicit Bias/ IAT

  1. Samuel Shapiro

    I also was pleased that even a flat earth believer would associate the earth with a sphere. I would be excited to see Kyrie Irving take an IAT so see his reaction. He had one of the most infamous examples of stating his belief in a flat earth. After being widely ridiculed, especially because of his education charity initiatives, he changed his view. But, I wonder if he would have more than a slight automatic association with the earth as a sphere now that he has “changed his mind.”

  2. Madelyn Grassi

    I agree with you how it can be frustrating to see so many traditions change, yet still see the same problems in society, but I think there will always be issues with race, class, gender, etc., but we just need to get better at handling those problems and moving forward so that they don’t affect people as much as they do today. I cannot picture a world in which race, gender, and class don’t cause a problem, but from what I have seen recently, especially this past year, we are taking necessary steps to mitigate the repercussions of those problems by educating one another and ourselves and by being active in our communities.

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