IAT Test McCrossan

find it very interesting to analyze our minds. Our minds are “automatic association machines” and therefore, many thoughts come to mind when we are relating information. Due to our minds functioning in this way, we tend to misremember things. We call these errors mindbugs or “ingrained habits of thought that lead to errors in how we perceive.” The question is, are mindbugs less common when we are thinking in our interest. Does the selfishness of a human decrease their risk of error? Mindbugs are interesting because they come in many forms whether it is visually or mentally. It is interesting to evaluate, when are mindbugs crucial within humanity and when are they not?

After taking an implicit bias test, my results are a little expected. I think all humans have a sense of bias within themselves. Bias is how society works and is what our foundation of success is built on. While bias can be harmful it is not preventable. Many people have preferences and there is no way to make all humans neutral on topics. This is interesting because it is what makes society work but what also makes society harmful.